
Pump out device for marinas etc

Swedish products that meet highest demands for design, capacity and userfriendliness. All models equipped with high quality excenter/mono pumps with excellent sucking capacity and even better pressure dito


 Description and Technical specifications

Latrina Bas is basically developped for smaller
harbours and marinas. Its design and choice
of color reflects the caracter of naval marks. Its
ascending gives space for userfriendly hose handling
and visibilty. Easy to spot and as a reminder: use me
don’t contaminate the environment
Updated version with transparent hose setion
and safety device which ellimintes the risk for
running dry

Technical specifications
Dimensions: L=1200 mm H = 2300 mm W= 450 mm
Cabinet: material GAP
Hose 5,2 m 32 mm internal diameter
Pump: MAF excenter/mono pump
Capacity: 60 l/minute
Electrical connection: 380 v

Latrina Premium for bigger Marinas with higher demands. Available with one or two hoses, one on each side. Its ascending and design reflects inspiration from naval marks and like Latrina bas fascilitates an extremely userfriendly hose handling. The hose is after using automatically rewinded into the cabinet by gravitation power. Inside the pole is a sinker which generates the auto rewind power. Its height and visibilty is a constant reminder: Pump out here, don ’t contaminate the sea
Updated version, see Latrina Bas

Technical Specifications
Dimensions: L = 1650 mm H = 3200 mm W = 850 mm
Cabinet: material GAP / pole anodized alu
Hose storing roll: stainless steel
Hose: one or two 8 m long hoses, both with automatic
rewinding into the cabinet.
Pump: MAF excenter/ mono pump
Capacity: 100 l/m
Electrical connection: 380 V

info@latrina.se www.latrina.se
